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Camera Obscura Workshop with Montse Campins

19 of October 2021

Galería Santa & Cole Barcelona

Camera Obscura Workshop with Montse Campins

The exhibition La Cadencia del Cian by the artist Montse Campins (from 7th to 30th of October at Galería Santa & Cole) shows a series of photographs of different subjects without an apparent connection between of them.

Using different techniques on these images as rotation, distortion, series of reproduction and applying the cyanotype technique the artist creates new and unusual compositions that generates a very particular aesthetic experience.

The change of the scale, the relationship between positive and negative picture and in special the cyan as a pure spectral color contributes to invite the viewer to a different perception.

In this rhythmic repetition of images, the cyan color makes us to forget the frequency of the different colors and open space to perceive a new artwork.

Montse Campins shared her creative experiences through a pinhole photography workshop at the Galería Santa & Cole on the 19th of October at 6 p.m.


Galería Santa & Cole Barcelona

Libros y memoria – Carmen Galofré

19 of October 2021

Galería Santa & Cole - Barcelona, España

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