Since 1985 we have been advocating warm light, not cold light. Ours is a reflection on darkness, the hours without sunlight. But also on the influence of artificial light in everyday life, and its effect on spaces and people's circadian rhythms. We try to create atmospheres and sensations, night and day, that improve habitability, whether at home or in professional or commercial spaces.
We re-edit lamps from our catalogue, always respecting the original design and making them as sustainable as possible. Using LEDs brings energy savings of more than 80% compared to halogen bulbs. We have been doing it since 2010. Today, our entire catalogue has LED technology, either integrated in new products or in bulbs in the case of some re-editions.
Quality and sustainability are among the features that define us, reflecting our character and temperament. They are not just a matter of commitment to service, project goodness, sound design, customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, staff safety, joie de vivre or compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. They are not just a matter of civility, but represent, for us, the virtues of being warm, of proximity, of paying attention to the other, of generosity. That is why we believe that quality, sustainability and honesty necessarily complement each other. And, as in love, they are shaped by the details. We endeavour to acquit ourselves well, every single day.

Since 2003, our headquarters have been located in Parc de Belloch, an extensive estate covering more than 170 hectares about 30km from Barcelona, towards France. Far from the hustle and bustle of the city and immersed in nature, we are developing a knowledge park focused on management, design and ecology. We are endeavouring to plant our seed for a future surrounded by trees and with our own nursery, Belloch Forestal, which is focused on the re-naturalisation of cities. We cultivate selected species for the city in keeping with high quality standards and using the innovative Air-Pot system. We optimise the management of our 120 hectares of forest to reduce our CO2 footprint every year.
Aware that our activities have an impact on the environment, we pay particular attention not only to our carbon footprint but also to water and energy management. These are some of our initiatives:
1. We reduce our water consumption by maximising the efficiency of our irrigation systems, capturing and using rainwater at our facilities.
2. We implement a plant cover policy that improves infiltration and prevents soil erosion.
3. At present, we have 1,662m2 of photovoltaic facilities that produce up to 275 kWh, covering our total consumption at peak output times. Our intention is to offset 100% of the CO2 emitted by our offices, all year round.
Proximity production
75% of our suppliers are located within a radius of 150 km from our headquarters. Since our launch, more than 35 years ago, we have advocated for local and handcrafted production. We stand for efficient industrial production, causing as little residual impact as possible. We work with the best suppliers and industrial craftspeople, ensuring excellent standards of quality to the eye and touch. We are thrilled by the uniqueness achieved through craftsmanship, which affords each piece a singular personality.
In 2021 we implemented a supplier code as a tool to foster the improvement of relevant aspects at each of the companies we work with. Our Quality and Environment Department is committed to achieving uncompromising quality throughout the production process, always hand in hand with our producers. We accompany our suppliers in their ambition to become more sustainable.
Circular waste
At Santa & Cole we aim to transform the classic industrial cycle of "capture of materials, production of items and generation of waste" into a more balanced one that entails the "sustainable creation of products that generate economic, social and emotional value". Our products are devised from the outset to disappear without causing harm, being ecologically sensible. We want our waste to nourish future production after a dignified lifetime of use.
In recent years we have embarked on an ambitious project to reduce single-use plastics and optimise the use of cardboard. We only work with FSC-certified paper and cardboard. Wherever possible, we use biodegradable and reusable materials as substitutes for plastic.
Since 2005 we have been audited to ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO 9001 (quality management) standards. Both standards require us to have an ambitious waste plan.
Selection of materials
All our products are designed to be timeless based on their form, technical solution and the careful selection of materials. We are moved by quality rather than quantity and our purpose is not to accumulate but to choose. That is the material culture that we have been advocating for more than 35 years. Choosing the right materials is an important part of our creative process. Since we are publishers and do not depend on machinery, we place special emphasis on the life cycle of our products and only work with materials that age well.
We want your lamp to be with you for a long time and we aim to extend the life cycle of our products for generations. Here you can buy original spare parts for your lamps. And here you can check out our tips to keep them well maintained.