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Design Biographies

Monographs on designers whose work should be a point of reference for present and future generations. The texts, commissioned from great connoisseurs of the biographies, recover the experiences of consecrated creators of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, with the dual purpose of reinforcing a memory that is sometimes in danger and of proposing a critical debate that stimulates future contributions in the field of industrial design, beyond trends.

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Antoni de Moragas


Roqueta, Santiago - 1991
Design Biographies

Antoni Gaudí

Ferrer, David - 2002
Design Biographies

Antonio Bonet Castellana


Álvarez, Fernando, Roig, Jordi - 1999
Design Biographies

Arne Jacobsen (english edition)

Solaguren-Beascoa, Félix - 2024
Design Biographies

Arne Jacobsen (Spanish edition)

Solaguren-Beascoa, Félix - 2024
Design Biographies

Carles Riart

Rabat, Esperança - 2001
Design Biographies

Dino Gavina

Vercelloni, Virgilio - 2005
Design Biographies

Gabriel Ordeig Cole

Folch, Borja, Serra, Rosa - 2004
Design Biographies

Ilmari Tapiovaara


Korvenmaa, Pekka - 1997
Design Biographies

José Antonio Coderch

Armesto, Antonio, Diez, Rafael - 2008
Design Biographies

Josep Lluís Sert

Freixa, Jaume - 2005
Design Biographies

Josep Torres Clavé

Torres, Raimon - 1994
Design Biographies

Lluís Domènech i Montaner

Figueras, Lourdes - 2007
Design Biographies

Miguel Milá

Corredor-Matheos, José - 2001
Design Biographies

Rafael Moneo

Capella, Juli - 2003
Design Biographies

Six Argentine designers from Barcelona

Chaves, Norberto - 2006
Design Biographies

Ten light years

Arola, Antoni - 2007
Design Biographies

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