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Equipo Santa & Cole


We have been editing since 1985, when the company was founded. Editing means publishing a work, generally authored by someone else. We ask ourselves about industrial design, the art of paying attention to everyday objects as part of a reflection on material culture. All the products in our catalogue answer a question or respond to a necessity, and each one stands out by its response.

The Santa & Cole Team is comprised by the members of our technical department, with the editors and Editorial Committee at the helm. Highly technical in some aspects, quintessentially human in others,...

We have been editing since 1985, when the company was founded. Editing means publishing a work, generally authored by someone else. We ask ourselves about industrial design, the art of paying attention to everyday objects as part of a reflection on material culture. All the products in our catalogue answer a question or respond to a necessity, and each one stands out by its response.

The Santa & Cole Team is comprised by the members of our technical department, with the editors and Editorial Committee at the helm. Highly technical in some aspects, quintessentially human in others, we are moved by quality rather than by quantity. We trust the best craftspeople and industrial designers to treat each individual piece of our catalogue, having all our collaborators located as close as possible to our headquarters in Belloch (Barcelona).

Examples of our own designs include the Trípode G5 floor lamp (1997), the HeadLed system (2013), the Arne streetlamp (2013) and its indoors version the Arne Domus (2015), the Sisisí system (1994) and the Básica lamp (1984), to name a few.

We question beauty, putting attention to everyday objects to discover their best usage experience.

Designs Equipo Santa & Cole

Arne Domus

Equipo Santa & Cole - 2015

Arne S Domus

Equipo Santa & Cole - 2018

Arne Domus

Equipo Santa & Cole - 2015

Arne S Domus

Equipo Santa & Cole - 2018

GT1000 / GT1500

Equipo Santa & Cole - 2011

GT5 / GT6

Equipo Santa & Cole - 1994


Equipo Santa & Cole - 2000

HeadHat Bowl

Equipo Santa & Cole - 2013

HeadHat Plate

Equipo Santa & Cole - 2013

Sísísí Cilíndricas

Equipo Santa & Cole - 1993

Sísísí Cónicas

Equipo Santa & Cole - 1993


Equipo Santa & Cole, Roqueta, Santiago - 1987

Básica Mínima

Equipo Santa & Cole, Roqueta, Santiago - 1994

Básica Mínima Batería

Equipo Santa & Cole, Roqueta, Santiago - 2021


Equipo Santa & Cole - 2002

Básica Mínima Batería

Equipo Santa & Cole, Roqueta, Santiago - 2021


Equipo Santa & Cole - 1995


Equipo Santa & Cole - 1994


Equipo Santa & Cole - 2023


Equipo Santa & Cole - 2023


Equipo Santa & Cole - 1997

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