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Miguel Milá around the world

The exhibition presenting the work of Miguel Milá was conceived by Santa & Cole with the aim of promoting his legacy and prolific activity as a designer. The exhibition is itinerant and will tour Asia, the United States, and South America.

  • Oslo. March, 2024
    Hosted at Kollekted By
  • Australia. May, 2024
    Hosted at AJAR furniture
  • Berlín. September, 2024
    Hosted at Maj van der Linden



Berlin. Hosted at Maj van der Linden

Santa & Cole brings to Berlin the exhibition around Miguel Milá, which took place at Maj van der Linden's showroom, 10 September. Seeking to celebrate the legacy of Miguel Milá, the exhibition offers a refreshing and thorough perspective of his prolific career which spans half a century. Looking at his entire body of work we can reflect on Milá's ability to harmonise craftmanship and industrial design.

Photography Michael Romstöck


Ciudad de México. Hosted at Maison Diez Company

Santa & Cole, together with Diez Company, presented Miguel Milá: A Life in Design to celebrate the designer's professional career. The exhibition took place at Maison Diez, March 30 to May 1, during which various activities were organized, such as the screening of the documentary Miguel Milá: Industrial and Interior Designer. Inventor and Bricoleur.

Photography Natalia Tamarasco


Valencia. Hosted at Feria Hábitat

In recognition of one of the pioneers of Spanish industrial design, Santa & Cole commissioned an installation at the Valencia Habitat Fair, from September 19 to 22, 2023. Santa & Cole’s goal—working with other publishers—was to pay tribute to the master designer, whose work has left a deep mark on contemporary design.

Photography David Zarzoso


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