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Cirio Cascada

Antoni Arola


Cirio Cascada


Antoni Arola

Antoni Arola, the winner of the 2003 National Design Prize, is a prominent figure on today’s design panorama in Spain. His versatility and insightful approach has enabled him to produce brilliant work, whether designing perfume bottles or lamps or undertaking major interior design projects. Arola perceives a symbolism and fascinating way of understanding life and its spaces in cultures vastly different to his own, such as those of Africa, which he incorporates into his work and everyday life. His vision reveals his facet as a sculptor, his passion for drawing and his interest in contemporary art.

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Antoni Arola

 |  2017
Pendant lamps

A bright and ornamental braid of cascading light to illuminate areas with different ceiling heights, stairwells or special corners. Its LED light source makes it compatible with a range of shades: from the crafted porcelain of Sargadelos (Galicia, Spain) suitable for the most admirable lightings, to translucent opal glass for stronger and more economical lighting, and the opaque elegance of brass for spotlighting.