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Mintzberg, Henry




Mintzberg, Henry

Henry Mintzberg is an active management teacher at the McGill University in Montreal, frequent speaker at fora and universities all over the world, and has been awarded for his articles in the most prestigious academic institutions (Harvard Business Review, Academy of Management, Association of Management Consulting Firms and more).

He is also the author of some fifteen books, among them The Nature of Managerial Work, Managers, not MBAs, The Structuring of Organisations, The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning and Mintzberg on Management. In 2008 he was awarded an honorary doctorate at ESADE.

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Mintzberg, Henry

 |  2013

Henry Mintzberg, one of the top ten most influential management thinkers according to the Wall Street Journal, discusses what managers do, how they do it and how they can do better, speaking from direct observation and first-hand experience with professional managers across different industries, settings and posts.
This highly discerning account of the daily work of management addresses the major issues and how to deal with recurring dilemmas, covers the intense dynamics and extremely broad range of management jobs and provides pointers for becoming a more effective manager. If Mintzberg is right that “we should be seeing managers as leaders, and leadership as management practiced well,” all readers will find in this book a clear picture of today’s most challenging profession.


ISBN: 978-84-936162-2-9
henry-mintzberg – 2013
Paperback, 23.5 x 16 cm / 9.165″ x 6.24″
370 pp

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