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Ferrer, David

David Ferrer, a professional architect, also undertook incursions into the field of industrial design (Aro lamp, together with Carlos de la Puente, 1969) and led the creation of the archives at the Society of Architects of Catalonia (Library and Historical Archive) and its expansive collection of documents. As part of the executive board of ADI-FAD, he organised the exhibition “Gaudí dissenyador” in 1977, which prompted a new way of interpreting Gaudí. This was the impetus for this book, published by Santa & Cole and ETSAB in 2002 to mark International...

David Ferrer, a professional architect, also undertook incursions into the field of industrial design (Aro lamp, together with Carlos de la Puente, 1969) and led the creation of the archives at the Society of Architects of Catalonia (Library and Historical Archive) and its expansive collection of documents. As part of the executive board of ADI-FAD, he organised the exhibition “Gaudí dissenyador” in 1977, which prompted a new way of interpreting Gaudí. This was the impetus for this book, published by Santa & Cole and ETSAB in 2002 to mark International Gaudí Day, which includes some of the photographs that F. Català-Roca took for this exhibition.

Designs Ferrer, David

Antoni Gaudí

Ferrer, David - 2002

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