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Il lirismo dell’Alfabeto. Letra B

Il lirismo dell’Alfabeto. Letra B

Litografía, serigrafía, aguafuerte sobre papel Arches, Rives, Venture Rusticus

65 x 100 cm
Medidas totales
Sin enmarcar

Numerus clausus
99 ejemplares
Con certificado de autenticidad

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Obra de

Rafael Alberti

A member of Spain s Generation of 1927 and a poet renowned for the diversity of his lyrical work, Rafael Alberti is one of the most prominent cultural figures of the 20th century. He spent most of his life in Spain, but also lived in several European and Latin American countries because of the Spanish Civil War. A wide selection of his work can be found in the Rafael Alberti Foundation in El Puerto de Santa María.

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