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Ferran Estela

Barcelona, 1964

Born in 1964, Ferran Estela studied industrial design in the Elisava school in Barcelona. He combined his studies with working in various industrial and interior design studios. In 1989, Estela expanded his horizons and attended a master course in industrial design at the Domus Academy in Milan, that lead him to a deepest understanding of design and a new way of working, with an Italian sensitivity. This experience enriched him and convinced him to work as an independent designer, as would have done a "man of the Renaissance that, paying careful attention to what happens in the world, is...

Born in 1964, Ferran Estela studied industrial design in the Elisava school in Barcelona. He combined his studies with working in various industrial and interior design studios. In 1989, Estela expanded his horizons and attended a master course in industrial design at the Domus Academy in Milan, that lead him to a deepest understanding of design and a new way of working, with an Italian sensitivity. This experience enriched him and convinced him to work as an independent designer, as would have done a "man of the Renaissance that, paying careful attention to what happens in the world, is capable of synthesizing and giving fresh and interesting ideas to producers."

Back home and having concluded his studies, Estela set up his professional studio, from where he has contributed in the world of furniture and lighting design with new and fresh ideas: "I am interested in dealing with objects for which design is decisive; those pieces in which, beyond a good solution for its function, we find artistic, cultural and emotional aspects that induce people to possess them."

He has carried out projects for many different companies, such as Disform and after Santa & Cole, Perobell, Stilus-2, Endoll, Leds C-4, Bd or Cha-Cha. His long list of products include the armchairs Otto and Fritz (1992) and the Iris (reedited by Santa & Cole); the chairs Liceo (1993), Maja (1996), Only You (1996) or Cándela (1998); the lamps Lalinia (1994), Bit (1994) and Athena (2000); or peculiar objects for Cha Cha such as the Torito (2002) or the Anillero (2004), or the trophies Volkswagen (2001) and the Godó (2003).

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